Changes to the Board of TBNSW

Thoroughbred Breeders’ NSW Annual General Meeting held on 12 December saw a number of changes to the board, following the resignation of long-standing Director and Vice President Caroline Searcy.

President Hamish Esplin paid tribute to Caroline at the AGM, thanking her for fourteen years of commitment as a Director of TBNSW, having held positions as Treasurer and Vice President during her tenure. Acknowledging how Caroline has uplifted the TBNSW board, steered direction into the positive and offered diverse perspectives which could only be captured through her experienced role in industry media and as an owner and small breeder.

“Caroline is well liked by everyone in the thoroughbred industry, her work and dedicated passion for the racing and breeding industry benefits all participants, TBNSW have been extremely fortunate to have Caroline for as long as we have done and we wish Caroline all the best in her new Director role with the Australian Turf Club.” Hamish said.

Coolmore Stud’s Business Operations Manager Paddy Power was elected as the new Vice President of Thoroughbred Breeders’ NSW.  Holding a Master’s Degree in Business from University College Dublin, Paddy joined Coolmore Australia as Business Manager in 2012. Paddy has been a Director of TBNSW since 2015 and Treasurer since 2018 and accepted the position as Vice President of TBNSW and the resultant appointment to Thoroughbred Breeders’ Australia as a second NSW representative.

TBNSW Director Olly Tait of Twin Hills Stud accepted the position as Treasurer. Olly has unparalleled international experience in the racing and breeding industry. During fifteen years at Darley Stud he was responsible for their operations globally. Elected to the Breeders’ Cup Board of Directors, Members and Trustees in 2009, Olly was their Audit and Finance Chairman until 2013. Olly purchased the Cootamundra property from Darley in 2017 to run his own Twin Hills Stud operation. 

Outgoing TBNSW Vice President Caroline Searcy commented, “TBNSW is fortunate to have a very dynamic board of directors and I would like to thank Hamish Esplin, Paddy Power, Trish Egan, Peter Orton, Vin Cox and Olly Tait for their support during my tenure as Vice President. My thanks to the very capable Executive Officer Julianne Christopher who has grown our organisation significantly and accomplished a great deal for breeders in New South Wales.”

Hamish Esplin and Peter Orton were re-elected as Directors of TBNSW.

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