Updated information BOBS 2017

The Racing NSW Breeder Owner Bonus Scheme (BOBS) has been operating since 2003. In the 2015-16 racing season over $11m was paid out in cash bonuses and Double Up vouchers, bringing the total since the scheme’s inception to over $112m.

To be eligible for BOBS a racehorse must be sired by a NSW-based stallion for which the Stallion Nomination Fee has been paid (see Sires List www.racingnsw.com.au). That stallion’s progeny may then be advertised or sold as weanlings or yearlings as BOBS eligible.

Owners are then required to nominate the horse for a fee of $990. This is done when in the months leading up to 1 September, when the horse is about to turn 2YO or has just done so.

Late nominations may be made after 1 September 2017 for a fee of $5,500. A horse cannot be nominated for BOBS once it has turned 3YO.

Nominations for BOBS 2017(for horses foaled in 2015 and turning 2YO in 2017) will close on September 1,2017.

BOBS Extra

BOBS Extra is an exciting extension to the scheme which was introduced in 2010. BOBS Extra nominated horses can win bonuses of up to $20,000 through winning events 1800-metres and longer, from the day the horse turns 4YO until the date of its retirement. As with BOBS, Group and some Listed races are excluded.

BOBS Extra makes horse ownership more attractive throughout NSW by providing more opportunities and bonuses for owners prepared to show patience with slow maturing horses. It will balance our breeding industry and strengthen middle-distance and staying competition.

Horses which turn two on 1 August 2017 may be nominated for BOBS Extra for a fee of $840, in addition to the BOBS fee of $990. BOBS Extra is optional, but a horse cannot be nominated for BOBS Extra without being paid up for BOBS (total $1,830). There is no late nomination for BOBS Extra.

BOBS Double Up

Racing NSW has led the way with a unique concept allowing owners who win a BOBS bonus to double its value.

The owner(s) of a BOBS nominated horse which wins in NSW may take the cash bonus – or elect to get twice its value by taking a Double Up Voucher.

The voucher can then be used for the purchase of a BOBS eligible horse or a share in a syndicated BOBS eligible horse at a yearling sale conducted by a participating Sales Company (Magic Millions, William Inglis, Peter Milling Bloodstock, Brisbane Bloodstock or New Zealand Bloodstock). Certain conditions apply to the use of the voucher.

BOBS Double Up vouchers cannot be used to purchase a weanling or a broodmare.


BOBS Mare Bonus

From 1 August 1, 2017 Racing NSW will pay a larger payment BOBS Bonus to the registered breeder (as set out in the Stud Book) of any horse who wins a BOBS Bonus (excluding BOBS Extra Bonuses).

To be eligible for this bonus, the stallion served by your mare must have been a BOBS eligible stallion, and the 2YO must have been nominated for the BOBS Scheme.


BOBS Double Up (Stallions)

BOBS Double Up vouchers can also be used for stallion service fee payments for participating NSW based stallions. The stud must be registered for the programme and the stallion must be BOBS nominated.


BOBS Sire Scheme 2020

Nominations for stallions standing in NSW during the September-December 2017 breeding season close on 30 June 2017.

For full information visit www.racingnsw.com.au

Or contact: Bev Ritzau: (02) 9551 7605

Email: bobs@racingnsw.com.au

A Racing New South Wales release.

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